Build a bridge

A message from The Voice.

The left and right are opposite one another for a reason—so they can exist independently. They are each self-governing, have their own agenda and are motivated by their own purpose. One can operate, even excel, without help from the other but that does not mean they should. Just because they are islands does not mean they are not connected. Yes, they are separate but together they can be a force to be reckoned with. Build a bridge between them and you will be unstoppable.

On the left is a ready blanket and warm cup of sweet tea. On the right is a bullhorn and whip. On the left is the feminine—the nurturer, the internal dweller, the emotionally mature, giving mother. On the right is the masculine –the manifester, the instigator, the unabashed master of ceremonies, the flame that burns regardless of thunder and rain.

Trust both. Use both. Live both aspects of who you are. You need both elements to dream and manifest. Only when you externalize your internal will you be truly fulfilled.

Your mind is the bridge. Your life is the stage on which your feminine and masculine meet, make love and create a new world.

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