29 Apr 100 days: Don’t go to the hardware store for milk
Yesterday, Mr. Trump offered a rare piece of honesty, “I thought [being president] would be easier.”
I was on my way home, stuck on Highway 17, when I heard the admission and a tight little howl filled my car. With my jaw on the floor, I shot a glance at the Prius driver to my left, hoping he was tuned to NPR and equally incensed. He was not.
I thought of ripping my clothes off, running up the highway, knocking on windows, shaking my fists at the sky. What is wrong with this man? Yes, being responsible for 300 million people—not to mention the world—might be a tad straining. How did this happen? Will he ever grow up? Take responsibility? Change?
Today is the hundredth day of his presidency. This morning, as I made a blueberry-kiwi smoothie, sprinkling in cinnamon and a dollop of honey, I remembered a slogan I heard in Al Anon:
Don’t go to the hardware store for milk.
In other words, don’t expect blood from a stone. The alcoholic will keep drinking—wreaking their havoc—until they admit they have a problem. The serial gambler will keep frittering away the mortgage until they face their addiction. The narcissist will see nothing but himself in the mirror until it cracks and cuts him deep enough to bleed—if then.
I learned in Al Anon that in the face of insanity, my job is to look at the truth and detach—hopefully, with love. To keep my side of the street clean. To not fool myself into thinking I’m powerful enough to change other people because having expectations is the surest path to hurt and disappointment.
Mr. Trump’s madness calls me back to the basics, back to Al Anon, where I learned to turn my worries over to a higher power and keep the focus on myself.
T-shirt follow-up
For those of you on the edge of your seat (ha!), waiting for the launch of my t-shirt conglomerate (read earlier post), I’m sorry to inform you that my inspiration of a few weeks ago has fizzled. I did some research, ran the numbers, checked my gut and decided that designing, producing and selling t-shirts was too much work for too little reward.
I am glad to have found the resource. It’s crazy easy and if any of you have an idea and would like some help bringing it into world, let me know. I’d be happy to offer my design skills. But, my idea of being a t-shirt magnate and donating millions to non-profits will have to be sidelined as I stick to slinging words on a page.
Speaking of words…Expect fewer, for now
I want to let you know that this blog may appear less frequently. To my delight, I find myself fully engaged in a longer form writing project. As long as that topic holds my attention, I will give it the time and energy it deserves.
Unless I hit the lottery and get to stop working (should I start buying tickets?), time is my most precious commodity. I have to make choices and follow the muse wherever she takes me.
Posted at 13:59h, 29 AprilI loved this blog. Cathy, don’t stop!!
Posted at 07:48h, 30 AprilGreat blog post, friend! And it was fun that it was fresh and new for me… not having heard it first in writing class. Thank you.
Posted at 21:01h, 30 AprilBold of me to publish without my council of critics, dontcha think? I gotta stop being so precious about this material. Thanks for ebing such a good friend.
Posted at 11:27h, 30 AprilKnow I’ll be looking forward to the next installment wherever it is!
Siobhan Nash
Posted at 15:21h, 01 May“… keep the focus on myself.” Truly brilliant wisdom.
Have fun with your new writing assignment! I look forward to hearing more about it.