A year ago, my book was published. Once it was out in the world, I did my marketing due diligence and sold more copies than I ever thought I would. But after four months, I was done. I shelved the book and moved on.
Then came COVID-19. Like so many others, I found myself unemployed and climbing the walls. In search of solace, I pulled 52 Reasons off the shelf and—surprise!—found it. Meanwhile, everyone in my world was turning to social media to connect and be of service. Could reading out loud from my book be of service?
So, in the early morning hours, before my ego was alert enough to slap me down, I threw my iPhone on a tripod and started recording. No lipstick, no coiffed hair. Just me in my bathrobe. Share, if you feel so inclined, or pick up a print copy here.
An appreciation for all that was, is and will be—regardless
The embodiment of the cherished
Manifestation of the universe’s benevolence
A state of quietude, a place of presence
Imagining the future we want to inhabit
The bounty of contradiction
Satisfaction with what one is and has
Perseverance in the face of danger and difficulty
Freedom from strife
The perception of truth in our bodies
A state of being untroubled and at peace
The manifestation of inspiration
Deep sympathy for the misfortune of others
The choice to risk being seen
Making way for possibility
The capacity to produce an effect
Being made new
Knowing the fullness of the moment
Giving one’s life wholeheartedly