A message from The Voice. Your life’s purpose is not designed for your own personal gratification. Yes, you enjoy doing things you are good at but the gifts you are given are not intended solely for your pleasure. You are born to share yourself with ourselves. You are a social creature. To understand your purpose is to identify what contribution you will make, not to yourself, but to the world.

A message from The Voice. Living life behind a costume and mask is exhausting. We each wander through our lives encased in our own private, self-constructed cocoon. Within it’s familiar walls we feel safe and warm. We perceive our protective walls to be impermeable and opaque. We feel comforted by the knowledge that our secrets are invisible to the world. It is from this illusion of safety that we operate in the world.

A message from The Voice. Invisibility and infinity. The two are linked in a dance of the imagination. They test the minds limits. We like the concrete, the provable. We like patterns, evidence that repeats. We are comforted by the familiar and prefer answers to questions. But, where is the creativity, the expansiveness, the transformation in the finite and visible? If all is well with you and your world, then by all means, sit back and enjoy your status quo but most of us want more – for the world, if not ourselves.

A message from The Voice. From your pile of wreckage blooms your dreams. When push comes to shove, your good comes from your darkest corners. As you become willing to swim in the ugliness, you dare to get dirty and it’s the dirty who get things done. Fear not. Don’t shy away from the ugly underbelly. The ugly underbelly is hidden by the beautiful but is no less worthy of your gaze.

A message from The Voice. The crowd that has gathered in your mind to pass judgment is nothing more than your monkey mind holding court. The stage is yours and yours alone. What will you do with it? To whom will you speak and about what will you share? Your life is an opportunity, an opening, an invitation. As the sun rises this morning and the birds greet the day, your curtain is going up. The stage is set. The lights are coming up. The music is cued. It’s your turn to speak. Who will you be today?

cloudsI place my anxiety and worry on the proverbial altar. There among the remnants of my past and devotional illusions I place my anxiety and worry to be tended by God. I hand my concerns over to the spirit of wisdom, strength and patience that I am not, at present, able to feel. There, on my imagined altar, among the fresh cut roses and gifts given to me with love, I place the anxiety and worry that impairs my ability to be fully who I am. For those among you who think this is all a bunch of hooey, I have only one thing to say — and this I know for sure — that there is more to life than meets the eye. There is more than we experience in our five senses, more than we can see, hear, smell, touch or taste. There is another dimension, another reality that is, in fact, grander and more significant that anything in our petty physical world. Yes, there is more than meets eye. There —right beyond the obvious (the black of this keyboard, the smells of morning, the sound of passing cars) beyond all the things in life that seem tactile and irrefutable — is where Life lives. Beyond the three dimensional manifestation of our labors, right there on the other side, around the corner, underneath, in between, behind and right in front of us are the formless qualities we most crave.

potatoCathy, there is a thin and porous membrane between mind and body. Set aside the idea that the mind is to be exalted and the body ignored. It won’t serve you. One is not better than the other. Don’t judge. Don’t rank. The body is not an enticing dwelling place for the devil nor is the mind the answer to all your problems. They exist equally in your life to serve you. Listen to both equally. Examine their messages then choose. I am having surgery in a few days, eight to be exact. I have a papilloma in my right breast. Essentially, it’s a polyp in a duct. It’s not cancerous, of that I am sure. But scalpels and full anesthesia and foreign objects inserted into tender spots is in my near future. In the grand surgical scheme of things, it’s small potatoes. But my breasts are not that small anymore (I couldn’t resist reveling in the good news) and emotionally it feels big. What’s been striking me more acutely than usual – and what inspired me to start this blog -- is the gift of